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Senate Bill 200

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Why Change the Law?


Senate Bill 200 was enacted to improve effectiveness of the juvenile system and outcomes for Kentucky juvenile offenders.  It will do this by using the most expensive resources for the most serious offenders, getting juveniles into treatment and under supervision sooner, and creating oversight for procedures.


What is a FAIR Team?


One of the major changes under Senate Bill 200 is the creation of the Family Accountability Intervention and Response Team, abbreviated FAIR Team.  This team, under the leadership of the Court Designated Specialist, will review cases before they go to court and direct the juvenile and families to get treatment and supervise the outcome of that treatment.

Who is on the FAIR Team?


The FAIR Team consists of the following:

(a) A court-designated worker in that judicial circuit or district;
(b) The members of the regional interagency council specified in KRS 200.509(1)(a) to (d) and (f), or corresponding members of the local interagency council if one exists;
(c) A representative from the cabinet knowledgeable about services available through the cabinet and authorized to facilitate access to services;
(d) A representative from the office of a county attorney within the judicial district;
(e) A representative from the Department for Public Advocacy;
(f) A representative from a local public school within the judicial district;
(g) A representative of law enforcement; and
(h) Other persons interested in juvenile justice issues, as identified by the family accountability, intervention, and response team, who are necessary for a complete representation of resources within each judicial circuit or district.

Are the matters discussed in a FAIR Team meeting confidential?


YES.  Members of the FAIR Team must sign confidentiality agreements stating they will not discuss cases with people not involved in the FAIR Team.  Juvenile matters are confidential in Kentucky, including any matters before the FAIR Team.

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